FEBRUARY 3, 2021
Gearing Up

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.
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Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
The Voice of Missouri Manufacturers.
To stay informed on the latest Missouri manufacturing news, events, resources and more, join our email list.
News Articles, Data and More
Guide to Inbound and Outbound Logistics: Processes, Differences and How to Optimize
Processes, differences, examples of and ways to optimize both inbound and outbound logistics.
How Manufacturers can Navigate Supply Chain Challenges
As the global supply chain, worker shortage and wage inflation challenges many had hoped were transitory dig in their heels, manufacturers everywhere are wondering how to get around them.
Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is a production methodology focused on eliminating unnecessary waste while also maximizing production.
What is Six Sigma?
Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology focused on increasing efficiency and reducing errors within the production process.
CSCMP's Annual State of Logistics Report
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals' (CSCMP) Annual State of Logistics Report is a comprehensive compilation of leading logistics intelligence from around the world and shines a spotlight on industry trends and key insights on ever evolving supply chains across number of sectors.
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach focused on customer satisfaction. Eight principles guide organizations utilizing TQM.

Events, Trainings and Activities
Execution for Operations
‘Operations’ is hard and execution is critical. To be successful in Manufacturing, Logistics, and Warehousing you need to be good at both. Execution for Operations is focused on a paradigm shift in how to use execution to drive outcomes for your business. You will learn to see where you are, identify where you need to be, and build a plan to get there. This information is valuable for all operations leaders, both for the role you are in now and to help you get to that next one.

Demand Driven Planning
All operations have variation, that’s part of what makes it hard to plan and manage. Demand Driven Planning
piggy backs on Execution for Operations and focuses on how to conduct your planning based on your actual demand variation, as opposed to having to adjust your workload to fit operational constraints. Seeing, understanding, and flexing with your demand variation enables you to scale results and execute at a level that few businesses can.

Contact Andrew LeGrand at MAM for more information - andrew@mamstrong.org | 417-863-7262 ext. 104
MAM Members, Partners and Industry Suppliers who specialize in Operations and Logistics.
MAM Resources
Operational excellence experts and resources, along with a demand-driven labor platform for manufacturing and distribution companies.
Preparing Your Operations for 2024