FEBRUARY 3, 2021
Gearing Up

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.

Non-manufacturers that want to support MAM members and Missouri manufacturing can connect through event sponsorship and/or one of the MAM Network Partnership programs.
We offer a variety of partnership opportunity levels for both businesses and institutions of education.
Interested in becoming a Partner? Email us to learn about our various partnership options.
Contact us at Info@mamstrong.org
Exclusive Benefits to MAM Members from our Partners
A Partner is a defined as a business who does not qualify as a manufacturer but provides services or products that will benefit our manufacturing Members.
Each Partner company is thoroughly vetted and researched to ensure we are collaborating with a recognized expert in their field and trusted resource.
A key factor is they must align with Missouri Association of Manufacturer’s mission: To Promote, Preserve and Advance manufacturing in Missouri.
We make lighting products that create ambiance, save energy and install easily, but we deliver much more than that.
Williams makes A Visible Difference.
Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
Patriot Medical Devices brings jobs to Cape Girardeau
Oct. 22, 2020
The Voice of Missouri Manufacturers.
To stay informed on the latest Missouri manufacturing news, events, resources and more, join our email list.

The Missouri Association of Manufacturers Education Foundation
was established to
Promote, Preserve, and Advance Manufacturing.
We are dedicated to empowering manufacturers to enhance educational and training opportunities, workforce development programs, and to assist in removing barriers,
in order to support those seeking a career in the manufacturing industry.
With a vision of a growing, thriving and innovative manufacturing sector,
we are committed to making a difference.
Thank You for Helping the Manufacturing Workforce of Tomorrow.
We Assist, Prepare
and Support
As the philanthropic arm of the Missouri Association of Manufacturers, MAM Education Foundation was established to assist, prepare and support next generation of manufacturing and engineering talent.

Supporting Innovation
and Empowering
MAM Education Foundation is dedicated to supporting innovation and empowering the next generation of creative problem solvers and creators in manufacturing.

Workforce Development Training & Upskilling in MANUFACTURING
Educational Programs
Events & Activities
Grant Opportunities

I-Create - an event designed to give students the opportunity to spend a day in the Manufacturing Industry through an interactive showcase, to participate with a number of activities provided by our manufacturing partners including educational displays, equipment operations,
and learning labs.
662 joined the event, celebrating
Manufacturing month.

Call 417-863-7262 to donate today.

Help us inspire,
support and empower the
manufacturing workforce of tomorrow.